New publication: on cultures of life satisfaction and immigrants

Data postării: Dec 21, 2013 4:37:58 PM

Is life satisfaction culturally embedded? This is the question to which our most recent publication tries to answer. Bogdan Voicu and Marian Vasile make use of international migration as natural experiment, and use EVS 2008 data to test if socialization in the country of origin and exposure to the culture of the country where one migrates mix together to set up certain norms of life satisfaction that individuals follow. Their paper, published yesterday by Current Sociology argues that both origin and host matter and provide evidences on the existence of powerful cultures of life satisfaction.

The paper can be retrieved from the journal's website:Bogdan Voicu, Marian Vasile. 2014. Do “Cultures of Life Satisfaction” Travel? A Cross-European Study of Immigrants, Current Sociology 62(1): 81-99.

A preliminary few graphs, not included in the paper, are presented bellow. (click on each graph for better view)

HOST SOCIETIES: Average life satisfaction of natives and immigrants

(please ignore the cases of Romania, and Albania, with very few migrants included)

SOCIETIES of ORIGIN: Average life satisfaction of emigrants and stayers